What's in Your February Tee Box?

February Tee Box "Relax, Refresh, & Recharge"

It’s time to relax, refresh, and recharge!

Ok, the insanity of the holidays is finally in the rearview mirror, as is the “New Year, New Me!” rhetoric. Blech… Who needs all that added pressure? What about those of us who are cool with the current “me”? Where do we fit into all of that?

Here’s the message for this month: You don’t need to. 

Don’t want to join 12,000 groups to make everyone else happy? You don’t need to! Choose what makes you happy, and go do that. Don’t want to meet some catty, gossipy “friends” for coffee just to listen to them complain about everything that makes them unhappy about their life (but never do a thing to change it)? You don’t need to! Stay home, relax on the couch, and have a cup of tea. If you’re a lover of baths (we are!) run a tub full of warm bubbly goodness, light a candle, brew a cup of tea, and take some time for you...

To “top” it off... We went a bit of a different direction with this month’s top to both support another small woman-owned business and add some extra goodies. We will be back to shirts both wild and otherwise next month (plus an extra something fun!), but in the meantime, we believe everyone needs a few simple tops that go with anything. $50 retail value!

Is this forever? Having earned the moniker “forever tees”, your new adjustable-height Telos Tees from Yatta Golf are definitely built to last. Keep it in your pocket after each tee shot and use the disc as a ball marker as well. $10 value!

Bubbly personality — party of 12. These are not your average drink packets. Add a Bobelo hydration packet to a ⅞ full bottle of water (honestly, we use half of a packet), wait 2 minutes, gently shake your water bottle, and bam! Delicious, bubbly goodness! Be sure to read the ingredients to check for allergies or dietary restrictions. $19 retail value!

You light up my life! We have to admit, we are all candle snobs here, but we lit one of these lavender soy candles and were instantly transported to a field of soft, freshly cut grass, warm sun, and chirping birds… (ok, not really, but they do smell rather nice) $8 retail value!

We put the T in Tub… literally! Take the whole muslin bag of lavender tub tea and toss it right in while the water’s running. Don’t. Fall. Asleep! $8 retail value!

Keep it Clean! Nothing says self care like hand-poured, small-batch lavender soap! Slide this bar into the included sisal bag and scrub your worries and stress away! $15 total value!

If you have to wear it, you might as well be comfortable. You know how companies tell you, “This is the most comfortable _____ EVER!” Trust us when we say… this really is the most comfortable mask you will ever wear. Honestly, we agonized over putting a mask in this month’s box, but if you have to wear one, this Ame & Lulu mask should be the one. $14 retail value!

What’s your “tea” time? This month’s tea is caffeine-free “Lights Out”. Relax and unwind with a blend of organic hibiscus, peppermint, licorice root, lavender, chamomile, and valerian root. Steep 1 tsp. of loose tea for 3–4 minutes. Enjoy! $10 retail value!

Fore Ladies Presents: Yoga for Golfers — Half Lord of the Fishes

Fore Ladies Presents: Yoga for Golfers — Swan Pose

Fore Ladies Presents: Yoga for Golfers — Sphinx Pose

Get to Know Our February Partners

The apparel: All of the apparel brands found in the Tee Boxes are brands we carry, so if you love the fit and quality of what you received, find more of the same on our Brands page, or filter by brand on the Golf Apparel page!

This month's shirts are from one of our favorites, Course & Club. We opted to take a short break from the "wild and otherwise" we would normally send for our audacious and wild subscribers in order to support another small, woman-owned business. We know you will love your shirts, and we will back next month with leopard prints and flowers for those of you who requested them!

The refreshment: To order more Bobelo packets, head over to their site and use code holeinone for $5 off your first month’s subscription.

The Telos Tees: These tees came highly recommended, and if you love them, you can find more on our Yatta Golf page!

The candle: That adorable candle in your box is from Farm Fresh Vintage Finds. If you love DIY blogs and hand-poured candles, be sure to check out her site!

The soap: You may have noticed a few little extra surprises in this month's Tee Box. We chose a delightful lavender soap from our favorite small-batch soap maker, Bella Pelle Bath & Body. To re-order, visit their site and use code FEB10 for 10% off before 2/28!

The tea: Did you love it? Great! Find more teas (and a whole lot more) at Starborn Botanicals!

Bonus! Are you a fan of yoga and healthy living? Our friends over at Yoga Warrior have an entire section dedicated to us golfers! They've graciously provided our members with 30 days of free access to their award-winning health platform. (Sign up using the exclusive code FORELADIES)